Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Feel Honored and Privledged

I was asked by Nina Perrin to be the Featured Artist of the Month on her Blog and Newsletter/Web Site - this is a real honor to me because I feel I am a real Newbie around the block here as a Professional Artist and am standing among GIANTS! I don't know if I can fill the shoes, but I sure am up for trying. I love art so much, with such passion - My oldest sister Mary is also an artist and she inspired me when I was very young. She likes oils on canvas and sketching and her role modeling to me was such a good impression it was easy to find my own path with a love of my own. My other sister Dorothy is an artist with an eye for the camera - she sees things others do not see. I am anxious for her to turn her love of photography into something wonderful too. Would you believe the three of us girls used to sit and play paper dolls and mix and match the clothes and the colors, etc.. for hours on end. I even used to make my own paper dolls out of the Sears Catalog and Penneys Catalog when I was a kid. I'd cut out the kids and the clothes and don't ask me how but I'd MAKE them FIT! One day my mother walked in and found the 3 of us girls ripping up all our paper dolls - she was agahst with horror! We got a tick up our behinds I guess and thought it was funny cause I can tell you as sure as I'm sitting here today, I can remember how we squealed with delight with each rip of the paper until all were gone. Mom came in and sternly announced that was the end of our paper dolls and maybe thats where I learned to make my own... but all three of us have artistic flair in our own ways and express it differently, my sister Mary and I want to work on some things to alter together. I'm looking forward to that. Anyway, wanted to share the news with you all. Nina's website is Purple Faeries Paper Crafts at .http://www.purplefaeriepapercrafts.com/

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